Frequently Asked Questions

Are remedies addictive?
No the Bach Flower Remedies are not addictive and can be stopped, when the animal has regained its balance. Sometimes I choose during treatment to gradually reduce the number of remedies in the treatment bottle in order to assess whether the animal is able to keep the balance on a specific emotional area.
I do not want to drug my animal, do remedies work like drugs?
No absolutely not, emotions are not being numbed, the animal is being supported to regain its balance in a specific emotional area.
I have put the remedies on the food for my pet, but now the other pet has eaten the food, is this a problem?
No it is not. Remedies are not harmful. But for the most efficient treatment it is important to make sure the pet to be treated does get the minimum required dosis per day. This is why it is often better to provide the dosage on a small amount of food so that you know for sure this pet has received the dosage.
I have heard that some remedies are poisonous, specifically for cats, is this correct?
Some plants are indeed listed on the poisonous plant lists. These plants are, by the way, not only poisonous for cats, this would apply to other animals and humans as well. The Bach Flower Remedies are not poisonous. The remedies are prepared from certain parts of the plants and neither the plant or the poison is physically processed within the remedies.
I think it is such a hassle to give the drops, can't I just give my pet the Rescue Remedy pastille instead?
NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. In addition to the risk of an animal by accident choking, suffocating or the pastille getting stuck, the pastille has specifically been produced for human consumption (and contains for this purpose flavouring agents suitable for human consumption only).
I can not administer the drops 4x day at exactly the same times, is that a problem?
No, the main thing is that the minimum base of the remedies is being given spread out over the day.
At the cat show I was told that you can spray Rescue Remedy spray in their ear-shell, is this correct?
NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. First of all the cat may experience the sound of the spray as hissing, which would only worsen the stress and the possible risks involved due to that. Second of all there is too much risk that it is sprayed accidentally in the face, eyes or the ear itself, again with all risks involved.
My cat has diarrea, can I use a remedy for that?
No, remedies are not for medical complaints but aim at the emotional balance. When a medical cause has been excluded by the vet, and stress is indicated as a cause, a treatment with specific remedies can be beneficial based on a proper analysis of all elements involved for this individual.
Will my pet have to remain on remedies all its life?
No, when the animal has regained its balance treatment is stopped. A BFRAP will provide you during the treatment with information on the specific issues involving your pet in order for you to support your pet in the future in for instance for him/her to be expected stressful situations.
My pet is currently under treatment of a behaviourist. Should I first finish that?
No, remedies can contribute well to behavioural treatment. In that case I would work together with the behaviourist. I do make the reservation here that I will only work together with behaviourists that work in a positive, non punishing way with animals. The positive influence of the remedies would not come to their right when an animal is put under constant/more emotional pressure by certain training or management methods.
My cat is now 12 years old, is very affectionate towards us but when we have guests staying for a few days, she will remain under the cupboard. At her age would it still have any use to give her remedies?
Yes. It is not bound to age, and can contribute so much to the quality of your cats' life and with that its wellbeing. Staying hidden under a cupboard or elsewhere for a few days is not the usual way of life for a cat and clearly indicates her need for help.